Saturday, December 8, 2012


I recently decided to give the term “drama” a thought. I have come up with a few conclusions and a slap right across the face.
Passive, a word I have come to hate.
Your boyfriend dumps you? You hook up with his best friend because you’re oh so cool with it.
You fail a few courses? What’s the big deal? You barely attended your classes. Right?
Stuck in a job that is sucking the life right out of you? Just wait. Some establishment, somewhere on this god forsaken Earth will for sure contact you and offer you a better job.
Losing your best friend? Well, I’m sure they’ll own up to their faults if you just get on your high horse and act all proud and mighty.
The world is at war? Facebook doesn’t think so.
Such cool people we are.
Here’s my theory… we have acquired this trait, passiveness, as an anti-drama shield and we all know drama is so last year.
Newsflash people! There’s a lot of drama going on around the world and ignoring it will not make you more of a hipster.
So I’ll just need you to excuse me while I dive into the cheesiness of life.
I will nag and complain about my job because it will remind me of the need for change.
I will read a book and cry my eyes out for not having my own Darcy because I know he’s just a character in a book.
I will kick, scream and get ulcers when I listen to the news because I will not settle for being a spectator.
I will be the opinionated snob that gets that beat ticking in your head and heart because it’s nauseating to see you slipping between the gaps.
I will show up at a friend’s house after months of not speaking because that cup of tea will taste better today.
I will defend the drama queens but ask them to give up their thrones, for all I know is if you don’t have something worth making a spectacle of yourself over, you got yourself living between the lines.

I will be the upper case letter at the beginning of the sentence.

May all causes of life be dramatized and never mainstreamed.  

Here's a little pick-me-up :)

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